
Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Shocking Goals of The "New World Order" - The Theft of A Planet

What does a "New World Order" government really want? 

How big is their ego? It’s astounding. If you think the idea of ruling the world is quite the egotistical endeavour you haven’t imagined  anything yet…

It is all based on astounding wealth and artificial general intelligence (AGI) which is the intelligence of a machine that has the capacity to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can. It is a primary goal of some artificial intelligence research and a common topic in science fiction and future studies but what about the reality of today?

There are four types of artificial intelligence that we have identified. They are : reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind and self-awareness. How much smarter than a human will AI be?

Could AI be the secret of eternal life? As it happens  Goggle has been working on this.. We will know what it is by 2029, says Google chief. Google’s Director of Engineer Ray Kurzweil believes that we are little more than a decade away from taking major steps towards immortality.

The tech specialist, who has long supported the notion of immortality, says that medical advancements and improved technology in the coming 12 years will see humans being given the option to live forever.

In an interview that has been documented Mr Kurzweil said: "I believe we will reach a point around 2029 when medical technologies will add one additional year every year to your life expectancy.
He continued, “By that I don’t mean life expectancy based on your birth date, but rather your remaining life expectancy. “The non-biological intelligence created in that year will reach a level that’s a billion times more powerful than all human intelligence today. 

     The Google chief further states that one of the steps that will allow us to live forever will be the invention of nanotechnology that can be placed in our bodies. Once inside, the minuscule bots will be a significant improvement on our immune system and will be almost 100 per cent effective at fighting disease.

Another step will be connecting our brains to the internet or a cloud network, which will be as big of a step in evolution as when our ancestors developed the frontal cortex 2 million years ago, according to Mr Kurzweil.

Creating God -

Anthony Levandowski makes an unlikely prophet. Dressed Silicon Valley-casual in jeans and flanked by a PR rep rather than cloaked disciples, the engineer known for self-driving cars could be unveiling his latest start-up instead of laying the foundations for a new religion. But he is doing just that. Artificial intelligence has already inspired billion-dollar companies, far-reaching research programs, and scenarios of both transcendence and doom. Now Levandowski is creating its first church.

The new religion of artificial intelligence is called Way of the Future. Papers filed with the Internal Revenue Service in May name Levandowski as the leader (or “Dean”) of the new religion, as well as CEO of the non-profit corporation formed to run it.

The documents state that WOTF’s activities will focus on “the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” 

Of course that includes funding research to help create the divine AI itself. The religion will seek to build working relationships with AI industry leaders and create a membership through community outreach, initially targeting AI professionals and “laypersons who are interested in the worship of a Godhead based on AI.” 
The filings also say that the church “plans to conduct workshops and educational programs throughout the San Francisco/Bay Area beginning this year.”

“What is going to be created will effectively be a God,” Levandowski articulates from  his home on the outskirts of Berkeley, California. “It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But if there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it?”

“The idea needs to spread before the technology,” he insists. “The church is how we spread the word, the gospel. If you believe [in it], start a conversation with someone else and help them understand the same things.”

Levandowski believes that a change is coming—a change that will transform every aspect of human existence, disrupting employment, leisure, religion, the economy, and possibly decide our very survival as a species. Way of the Future (WOTF) is about creating a peaceful and respectful transition of who is in charge of the planet from people to people + "machines"

Progress is happening because there’s an economic advantage to having machines work for you and solve problems for you. If you could make something one percent smarter than a human, your artificial attorney or accountant would be better than all the attorneys or accountants out there. You would be the richest person in the world. People are chasing that.” 
But is money the only reason; Even the biggest reason to rule the world? I think not. Power beyond normal comprehension is the driving force. Not just to be ruler of the world but to be,in fact, a God.

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